Dr. Emily treats sciatica with physical therapy
Dr. Emily is an expert in the treatment of sciatica. Dr. Emily can help patients mitigate their sciatica symptoms with treatment programs that include guided stretches, manual treatment, and pain relief techniques.
What is sciatica?
The sciatic nerve extends from the lower back and runs down each leg. Patients who suffer from sciatica experience varying levels of pain, inflammation, and numbness in the sciatic nerve, typically in just one side of the body. For some, the pain is severe and debilitating; for others, it’s infrequent and merely irritating.
The most common cause of sciatica is compression of the sciatic nerve due to a herniated disk, bone spur, or narrowing of the spine. Less-severe cases of sciatica can often resolve with non-operative treatments in only a few weeks, although patients with severe sciatica may be strong candidates for surgery.
Source: Mayo Clinic