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Bulging discs

Dr. Emily treats bulging discs

Dr. Emily experience can help patients recovering from bulging discs — restoring mobility, increasing flexibility, and reducing pain. With proven techniques and personalized PT programs, Dr. Emily can design treatment programs tailored to each patient’s unique needs.


What is a bulging disc?Illustration showing parts of the lumbar spine, including intervertebral disks

Also known as a herniated disc, a bulging disc occurs when an intervertebral disc loses its shape and begins to compress a spinal nerve. An intervertebral disc is made up of two parts: an outer shell of cartilage and an inner shell of jelly-like material. If the outer shell becomes weakened or brittle, the soft inner gel can deform the disc.

When a disc is herniated, the soft inner gel breaks through the outer casing. If a disc is bulging but not herniated, the gel has deformed the spine but not necessarily broken through the cartilage. A bulging or herniated disc can cause pain, numbness, tingling, and discomfort in the back, which can radiate into the chest, buttocks, legs, or arms.

Source: North American Spine